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मिनरल एक्सप्लोरेशन एंड कंसल्टेंसी लिमिटेड

(पूर्व में मिनरल एक्सप्लोरेशन कार्पोरेशन लिमिटेड)

खान मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार का उद्यम, मिनीरत्ना-I सीपीएसई


(Formerly Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd.)

Ministry of Mines, Govt of India Enterprise, MINIRATNA-I CPSE

An ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 & 45001:2018 Certified Company

Laboratory And Other Services

MECL has well equipped state-of-the-art chemical, physical and petrological laboratories for undertaking various analysis.  Apart from this MECL is also angaged in :

Bulk Sampling for Beneficiation Studies and Analytical studies of over 2.37 Million Radicals carried out till date. The services offered by various laboratories are given below :



Chemical Laboratory


Chemical Laboratory is equipped for classical as well as instrumental methods of analysis using imported equipments such as Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrograph, Automatic Coal Analyser, Calorimeters and Ash Fusion Determinator etc.
  • Quantitative analysis of rocks,minerals and ores for a number of radicals and elements.
  • Fire assay method for the analysis of precious metals like gold and silver etc.
  • Proximate, ultimate, Calorific value,ash fusion determination, Sulphur distribution and ash analysis for Coal and Lignite.
  • Referee Coal Analysis (for MSEB, RSEB, GEB, AECL, WCL, SECL, MCL etc).
  • Bentonite mud and polymer testing for efficient drilling for various parameters like moisture, swelling index, specific gravity, PH, viscosity, plastic viscosity, filtration loss, cake thickness etc.
  • It has so far completed several million radicals in various types of minerals, coal/lignite investigations in India.
Physical Laboratory

Physical analysis laboratory of MECL is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments  for carrying out ore and mineral analysis. The different instruments and the services offered are as follows : 


  • X-Ray diffraction -

    For unambiguous qualitative and semi-quantative phase analysis of almost all crystalline mineral species.

  • Derivatography -

    For Thermo electrical technique using parameters such as T, DTA, TG and DTG for analysis of clay, bauxite, limestone etc.

  • Emission spectrography -

    For Very rapid technique for fast, qualitative , semi-qualitative and quantitative estimation of most of the minor & trace elements present in ores & minerals.

MECL has well equipped state-of-the-art chemical, petrology and mineralogy laboratories for undertaking various analysis and studies.



The laboratory is engaged in the petrographic and mineragraphic studies of the rock specimens received from various exploration projects spread all over the country.The laboratory has been carrying out petrological studies of gold, copper, lead-zine, bauxite, tin, tungsten, phosphorite and molybdenum ores for various deposits of the country.The laboratory has interacted with M/s. BRGM in Khobna Tungsten and Tosham Tin Projects and also carried out the studies of rocks from Nickel Deposit of Myanmar.Research papers have been published on the finding of the laboratory from time to time.


The services offered by Petrological Laborotory are


  • Preparation of thin and polished sections.
  • Petrographic and mineragraphic studies.
  • Identification of rocks and minerals
  • Determination of microhardness values of ore minerals.
  • Heavy mineral analysis and studies.
  • Modal analysis of thin and polished sections.
  • Determination of specific gravity & porosity.
  • Preparation of coloured photomicrographs of thin and polished sections.
  • Preparation of detailed petrological report based on the petrological studies.

  • Microscopes: Petrological Research microscopes (Leitz ortholux pol- BK-II model).
  • Camera attachments for photomicrographs.
  • Microhardness tester(Japanese make)
  • Elitinor` point counter.
  • Five axis universal stage.
  • Refractometer.
  • Radiation survey meters.
  • Mineralite(U_V Lamps)
  • Specific gravity determination equipments.
  • Well equipped section cutting laboratory with cutting,grinding and polishing machines.

Corporate Office:-

Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhawan,
Seminary Hills, Nagpur- 440 006
Maharashtra India.
Call : 0091-712-2510310, 2511833
e-mail : headbd[at]mecl[dot]gov[dot]in
CIN : U13100MH1972GOI016078

Working Hours:
Executive : 9.30 AM TO 5.30 PM
Non-Executive: 9.30 AM TO 5.30 PM
Public Dealing Hours:
9.30 AM TO 5.30 PM

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